Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Goal...

...for the next 30 days (beginning June 20th and ending July 19th).

First, my goal is to be #1 in sales for the month of June on our team. It was be great to blow some other consultants out of the water and be #1 in sales for the entire company but realisitically, I will be #1 in sales for the month of June on our team. Period.

Second, my three months ends on July 19th. I need to earn $2871.00 by then to meet the Success Start goal. Something that apparently I did not pay much attention to in the beginning but those bonuses sound nice and it is a challenge that I would love to meet in the next 30 days. (I love a challenge and love the nail biting time crunches I put upon myself!) I have a Teacher Convention this upcoming week plus a 4th of July event that is expecting 80,000 people. I will easily meet my goal of selling $2871.00.

A Learning Opp

My Grand Opening was held last night (June 19th). It did not have the attendance that I was eagerly looking forward to but none the less, I was not disappointed. Three close friends of mine who have already purchased items attended and were our "guinea pigs" for the evening. My upline invited another recruit putting my attendance at me, my three closest friends, a co-consultant and my upline. A wonderful training opp for both the co-consultant and myself.

I was able to learn new things that I was not fully aware of and was able to play with the toys and learn more about our wonderful products as well as how a child's mind works and which toys are most beneficial. (Apparently my math skills are not up to par because I was not into puzzles growing up. I now know that my children will utilize puzzles at every given chance in efforts to increase their math skills!) Not only was this a great learning opp for me but I even got to place orders which puts me closer to my June sales goal of being the number one rep in June sales! Look out Traci- here I come for that first place position! =0)

Tips #4 - #8

#4: Plan for the day...

Since you do not know on which day success will occur, you better be ready every day. Prepare with education. Take all of the available training. Read all the materials you received when you were appointed an educational consultant. View all the training videos, recorded calls, etc. as well as all the other resources on line available to you. Plan with goals and the details for their achievements. Are your plans and goals in front of your face every day? If not, why not?

#5: Have the answers your prospects and customers need...

The more you can solve problems, the easier path you will have to sales success. Prospects don't want facts. They want answers. In order to have those answers, you must have knowledge about what you do and explain it in terms of how the prospect uses what you do. How good are your answers?

#6: Recognize opportunity...

Stay alert for the situations that can create success opportunities. The little known key is to get and maintain a positive attitude. Attitude allows you to see the possibilities when opportunity strieks because it often shows up in the form of adversity. How well do you spot opportunity?

#7: Take advantage of opportunity...

First, recognize it. Often it shows up disguised in the form of adversity.
Second, act on it. Opportunity is elusive. It exists all over the place but very few can see it. Some people fear it because it involves change. Most don't believe they are capable of achievement. Do you seize opportunity?

#8: Take responsibility...

Get the job done yourself no matter what. Petty blame is rampant and the biggest waste of time. Do not blame others or yourself. Take responsibility for your actions and decisions. Blaming others is an easy thing to do but leads to a path of mediocrity. Successful people take responsibility for everything they do and everything that happens to them.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I am offering quite a deal for fundraising events!

Host your own Discovery Toys party or a catalog party (if out of state) and I will donate a percentage (5-15%) of the total sales to your fundraiser!

Email me for further details!


I am holding my Grand Opening on Friday, June 19th at 7pm in Chandler. If you are interested in seeing what Discovery Toys has to offer first hand, please contact me for further information!

Monday, June 15, 2009

One Month Remaining

There is only one month remaining on the Summer Sale! Stock up now for upcoming birthdays and Christmas! What better way to save money! Most toys are under $10! What a steal!

Tip #3

Expose yourself to what is new. If you are not learning every day, be assured your competition is. New information is essential to success! How much time are you spending each day learning something new?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tips #1 and #2


Have the mental posture for success. Believe you are capable of achieving it. This belief must extend to the product and the company. A strong belief system seems obvious, be few people possess it. Believing that you are the best! How much do you believe in you?


The right home and work environment will encourage you. Supportive spouse, family members, and co-workers will make the road to success a smooth ride. It is up to you to create it.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Favorite Toy of the Week

My children love "Hammer Away"! My daughter who is 3 years old loves telling me what colors the balls are, what colors the holes are on the boat and matching up the ball color with the hole color. She loves pounding away at the balls and starting all over again. My 1 year old son loves hitting the balls, watching them disappear and then finding them again! I love that my daughter is able to have fun learning her colors while playing with something that keeps her and my son entertained!

Tip of the Day!

Make this part of your daily routine to boost your customer base and sales!

Take 5 business cards with you when you leave the house. Be sure to hand them out today before you come home. Give them to people standing in line with you at the store or the lasty at the lunch counter who is waiting for her lunch... whoever! Just say "may I give you my business card" and smile. They almost ALWAYS take it and look at it. They will either stick it in their pocket or comment on it. If they comment on it then go from there. Get them to write down their name and contact information (phone number or email) so you can follow up with them. Some may ask for a catalog... if you have one then give it to them but be sure to follow up!

Give this a try for a few weeks and see how it works for your business!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Quote for the Day

"A customer is not dependent on us, we are dependent on him. A customer is not an interupption of our work, he is the purpose of it."
--Leon Leonwood ("L.L.") Bean

Vendor Advertising

Looking to advertise your business or looking for a location to be a vendor? You can advertise your business for FREE and search for local events to vendor at!